Solid State Heterogeneous Biocatalysts
A Breakthrough Technology for Wound Care and Skin Health
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Everyone will experience a wound or skin challenge in their lifetime.
We all deserve the peace of mind knowing we will heal.
NanoSALV Catalytic Advanced Wound Care Treatment Matrix
A Canadian made, award winning,
Health Canada approved medical device. This technology has been used to increase the speed of healing
wounds, from small skin tears to chronic wounds, to a wide range of dermatological challenges.
Improved wound healing by
Reduced wound care costs by
Improved mental health and quality of life for patients and healthcare staff
Achieving Patient, Economic, & Operational Benefits through Patented Catalytic Technology
Catalysts make reactions happen better and faster. NanoSALV’s unique catalytic technology optimizes natural wound healing, resulting in better and faster healing outcomes.
The process of wound healing is a carefully coordinated set of events that require a significant amount of energy and resources. This careful coordination is often disrupted by factors such as aging, diabetes, poor nutrition, and many others.

Catalysts help return these events into an optimized, coordinated sequence that ultimately improves wound healing.
In addition to promoting healing, NanoSALV reduces and modulates inflammation, as well as provides safe broad-spectrum infection control within the protective matrix barrier.
NanoSALV’s simple design makes it easy to apply to a variety of wound types, shapes, and sizes, including early-stage intervention, surgical wounds, chronic-stage wounds, and a variety of skin health concerns.
Health Canada has approved this product as a medical device with the following claims:
NanoTess in the News
Proudly Canadian, Nationally Recognized: NanoTess on Global News
Global News highlights how NanoTess is transforming healing with NanoSALV, helping thousands of Canadians heal faster.
Contact Our Partner Success Team
Studies, resources, and clinical peer references are available to assist in the integration of NanoSALV Catalytic within your health care organization. Contact our partner success team for more information.
Canadian Made, Globally Compassionate
Your purchase supports limb saving research to improve patient outcomes through nanotechnology innovations.
Our Community & Supporters:
¹ W21C Research and Innovation. Centre Act to Improve Pressure Injuries in Alberta: Feasibility of Using NanoSALV Catalytic Advanced Wound Care Treatment Matrix to Treat Pressure Injuries and Chronic Wounds. 2023
² Institute of Health Economics, Executive Summary - Trial-based Economic Evaluation for the NanoSALV Catalytic Advanced Wound Care Treatment Matrix for the Management of Pressure Injuries, Diabetic Foot Ulcers, and Leg Ulcers, Table 5. Nov 2023.